Sculpture in Painting

Henry Moore Institute, Leeds


The only exhibition to be held at Henry Moore Institute that has not included sculpture, this transhistorical exhibition explored the depiction of sculpture in paintings. I coordinated the initial research that culminated in the exhibition, involving several workshops in London, Edinburgh and Leeds with a variety of academics and art historians. My essay, “Boris Taslitzky: Head of Géricault by Lipchitz” was published in the catalogue which can be seen here.

The exhibition was featured in:

Financial Times


An exhibition of paintings on two walls of a gallery. A square bench is in the middle of the room.

Installation view, Sculpture in Painting. Henry Moore Institute, 2009. Courtesy the Henry Moore Foundation. Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones

Exhibition space with two walls displaying paintings. There is a large and curvy rectangular  bench in the middle of the room.

Installation view, Sculpture in Painting. Henry Moore Institute, 2009. Courtesy the Henry Moore Foundation. Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones